How To Clean Your RV Black Tank In 3 Simple Steps

Clean your RV black tank easily

The experience of cleaning your RV black water tank and accompanying sensors could be daunting if you don’t know what you’re doing. Still, it’s important to do this regularly as not only does it prevent the buildup of bacteria, but also takes away the possibility of contamination and poor odor. It also leads to fewer clogs, complications, and less expensive repairs.

Imagine enjoying your vacation in a serene backdrop. Something that you absolutely don’t want to worry about is having an issue with your water tank. Your whole travel itinerary will revolve around this tank, and you’ll need to ensure that it’s in good shape.

Keeping this in mind, follow our tips on how to clean RV black tanks easily, in an uncomplicated, simple manner. This article gives you three simple steps to make sure that your tank is always clean. 

1) Draining your tank

Flushing your RV tank is easy, but be careful if you haven’t done it before. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes a part of your routine and won’t seem like a chore.

The first step is draining the tank. To do this you must connect the tank’s sewer hose to an allotted dumping area with the other end connected to a tank valve. When you open the valve, the contents flow into the sewer. 

It’s important to dump all the contents from your black tank first and then do the gray water tank. Don’t forget about the gray water tank as it not only makes the entire process more hygienic but also takes debris and residue from the black water tank with it. 

Ensure that you do this whole process when your black tank is half full and not less. If it’s less, waste, debris and other particles won’t float on the water surface. In this case, add some water and then dump it.

2) Decrease debris from the tanks

Dumping water from your tanks isn’t enough as there will most likely be debris and dirt buildup. You’ll need to clean your tanks and remove this debris to ensure that any water you store in the future doesn’t get contaminated.

How should you do this?

  • You can use a macerator, also known as a high-velocity water pressure tool that cleans the insides of your tank with a shoot jet. It turns any solid particles into liquid, making it far easier to remove and flush out. 
  • Another option is a flush valve. You can connect this flush valve barrel to a garden hose and enable tank settings. It creates a backflow prevention system, ensuring that your clean water source doesn’t get contaminated.
  • The third option is a tank rinse, which you can either place into your tank every time you flush it or permanently install in your tank. These devices shoot water at 360 degrees around your tank at incredibly high pressures, ensuring that the surface is squeaky clean. 

3) Add water to the bottom of your tank 

The last step is to cover the bottom of your tank with water. This step is very important as it keeps your system in optimum order and also prevents damage. Add just the right amount of water to cover the bottom of your tank and use your judgment to check if it’s enough. 

Another optional step is to treat your tank after you’ve flushed it. This step safeguards your tank against future clogs, poor odor, and increases the breakdown speed of any waste that finds its way into it. You must treat the black tank as many times as possible when compared to the gray tank. To ensure that the water in your tank is safe for consumption, you could treat them with enzyme-based products or those that don’t contain formaldehyde. Chemical-based treatment shouldn’t be used too often. 

More tips to follow for every water dump

  • Always wear safety and protective gear such as a face mask, gloves, and thick clothing.
  • You must always start with the black tank and then move on to the gray. 
  • The soapy water emitted by the gray tank helps clean any residue in your black tank. 
  • Always make sure you have a spare, clean hose when you go to the dumpsite as you don’t know if one might be available or not.
  • Make sure that the tank is at least half full so that any debris or particles could float on top. In case it isn’t, add water to the tank. 
  • Always dump tanks only into drainage pipes and make sure to clean up afterward. 
  • Clean your black-water valve before going back to the camp or your traveler’s van. 

Tips for storage and care

  • The more often you dump, the better it will be when you eventually store the tank after use.
  • Deep-clean your tank once a week even while it’s in storage to keep it functioning optimally. You’ll have lesser work to do when you eventually need to use it.
  • To deep clean your tanks after use, bleach is a good option. Ensure that you dump your tanks and remove the debris, then completely drain your tanks from any water. Then add water to your tank until three-quarter of it is full, and add bleach. Drain it again after around 10 minutes. Refill the tank and drain it once more. Make sure that you drain all the bleach as any leftover amount could damage your plumbing system. 

Remember, safety first!

The last thing you want on your mind while traveling would be a dirty RV black water tank. We hope that this guide will help you clean RV black tank easily, and keep you and your loved ones free from contaminated water while traveling. 

After all, contaminated water not only leads to poor odor and a buildup of bacteria but could also result in water-borne diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid, lead poisoning, and more. Any medical problems would cut your trip short, and that’s certainly the last thing you need.