How to Lower Your Humidity at Home

Lower your home’s humidity with these tips.

Is humidity seeping into your home and ruining its inner temperature? Having humidity at home, especially during the summer months, can be absolute torture. Not only do you feel uncomfortable, sweaty and wish to take a bath often, it’s also not good for your health to stay in a humid environment for long. Moreover, the humidity settles on your furniture and appliances, causing them to malfunction or spoil.

We know that you want your humidity levels at home to be less and to enjoy the cool air in your house without an added dose of moisture. 

What’s the ideal humidity level at home 

The ideal humidity level at home is up to fifty percent. In case there is far too much moisture at home, the air in the house can be hot and uncomfortable and can also damage the things around your house. A lot of humidity can cause excessive mold and can also lead to condensation on your walls. As such, the structure in your house and the wood tends to rot.

Moreover there are many health problems that can occur because of high humidity such as respiratory problems, allergy, interruptions in sleep, and more. However, air that is too dry and not with enough moisture can also trigger issues such as asthma, allergies, and more. Therefore the ideal level of humidity indoors is up to 50%.

When the house is extremely humid, you’ll experience a lot of sweat and will feel the walls and floors become wet. It’s important to get a hygrometer to measure the moisture levels at home. You can find them at a hardware store nearby. Use it to make sure that humidity levels are at an optimum level. 

Ways to keep your humidity levels at optimum levels.

Keep your AC in great form

The AC helps reduce humidity in the air naturally as it brings in a cooling element. It’s important to get your air conditioner to work efficiently by changing the filter often and also ensuring that all parts are in proper order. In case airflow is restricted, you need to remove the obstruction that’s causing this. The best way is to contract a professional AC maintenance expert who can take care of your annual needs. This is especially important before humid summer months settle in as that’s when it’s most fierce. 

Use exhaust, ventilation 

The exhaust and ventilation in your kitchen and shower are there for a purpose. You need to use them while you’re showering or cooking over a hot stove. An important tip is keeping these exhausts on even after you’re done cooking, so that your indoor humidity gets reduced automatically. 

Try to reduce hot showers

Hot showers increase the humidity levels at home. Try taking fewer hot showers and opt for colder ones instead. We know it’s difficult to take cold showers everyday, and we’re not saying that you need to place an ice bucket on top of your head, but even if you change the temperature from boiling hot to lukewarm, it will help. The steam in the air won’t be as much as before which is a big plus point.

Fix leaking pipes 

Pipes that are leaking bring in more moisture to your house than before, and you don’t want that to happen. Leaking faucets or pipes need to be fixed as soon as possible, and any exposed pipes need to be wrapped with an insulator to prevent condensation. You’ll know when a wall is leaking when you see that your drywall is stained. 

Keep your gutters clean

Gutters often leak and can increase your humidity levels by manifold. As such you need to keep your gutters clean at any cost, and ensure that the downspout is kept away from your home, at least 6 feet in length. Gutters also cause a putrid smell and a poorly maintained one can ruin your indoor plumbing features too. 

Keep your laundry outside

Drying your laundry inside in case you don’t have a dryer, will lead to an excess in humidity levels. In the summer, keeping damped clothes inside will make your house humid. Try to get a drying rack for winter and place them outside in your balcony or yard. Most companies in Dubai should allow this, but just in case, you should check with your community. In case you have no option but to dry your clothes indoors, get a dehumidifier for the job. 

Get a dehumidifier in anycase

One of the best ways to keep indoor humidity down low is to get and use a dehumidifier. Such things fit almost anywhere and can take away moisture from the air and put it back inside your house. The result is dry and cool air that is perfect for summer. Moreover, you don’t have to keep your AC on, as with lower humidity levels, your house feels colder too. 

Keep your house plants elsewhere 

Plants add a lovely touch to your house, however they release quite a bit of moisture. If you have many indoor plants, this could mean much higher humidity levels. During summer months, try putting them outside in your balcony, or in a room dedicated to your plants where there is good cross-ventilation. 

Charcoal briquettes

A little known hack, charcoal briquettes serve as a natural and inexpensive humidifier. Put the briquettes in a basket and they will absorb the moisture with ease. On your end, replace the basket with new briquettes every 2 months.

Keep windows open

On dry summer days when the humidity levels aren’t too high, a great tip is to keep your windows open for better ventilation inside your home. It’s important that you don’t do this while your AC is on as the cool air will escape and this would be a waste of electricity as well.

Do follow these tips for lower home humidity

Remember, lower humidity levels are not only important for good health but also for the health of your appliances and furniture. Don’t forget, a house in a better working condition will emit lower humidity levels, and it’s important to engage with experts such as Octopus to maintain things such as your plumbing system and AC. Reach out to us on 800 3993.